Yarn and You introduces Shop Girl.
Designed By: Stacy Acevedo, Care' Sharpin, Somer Sass, and Pamela Derrick
Stacey Acevedo shares about crafters and the fabricating techniques used in the dress.
Yarn and You is proud to be an inclusive community of crafters in the heart of Downtown Farmersville. We strive to provide a maker’s space for knitters and crocheters where everyone is welcome. Our entire industry is facing severe hardships due to COVID19. Much of our making is being done at home, in isolation from one another.
For 2020, we wanted to highlight the art of crochet. The yarn industry as a whole has been shifting towards knitting for many years, but at Yarn and You, we never forget our ‘hook’-ing friends. Our dress is fabricated from hand crocheted shawls, afghans and even jewelry made from yarn. Our team of talented, dedicated creators bring joy and friendship to every endeavor.
We were so pleased to be able to come together to design our Crochet Inspired Shop Girl.
Visit Yarn and You at 115 S. Main St.