Esplanade memorial 0 0

Caen Memorial


The Caen Memorial is dedicated to explaining the causes and consequences of the Second World War. This can take a couple of hours to visit and many visitors prefer to spend more time visiting the smaller museums and exhibits described above, which give glimpses of the conflict on a human and intimate scale at the spot where it happened.




The Memorial uses displays, models and archive film to explain the causes of the conflict, the Occupation, the Holocaust, D-Day and the aftermath of the war and was revamped in 2010.


Normandy Beaches
  1. Pegasus Bridge
  2. Grand Bunker, Ouistreham
  3. German Battery, Merville Sur Mere
  4. Canadian Memorial Centre, Juno Beach
  5. Arromanches
  6. German Gun Battery, Longues
  7. American Cemetery, Omaha Beach
  8. Point Du Hoc
  9. Utah Beach Museum
  10. U.S. Airborne Museum
  11. Dead Man's Corner
  12. German Cemetery, La Cambe
  13. British Cemetery, Bayeaux
  14. Caen Memorial
  15. Canadian Military Cemetery
  16. Falaise Pocket