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Photovoice: A community-based participatory research methodology

Photovoice is a community-based participatory research method, that empowers individuals to stand behind the camera and choose how they want to represent themselves.

For this research project, 17 workers (8 men, 9 women) from 3 different biowaste innovations were asked to take 4 pictures representing their experience as workers in the bioeconomy in Rwanda (2 positive pictures and 2 negative pictures). 

After taking the pictures, an in-depth interview with each participant was carried-out to understand the meaning behind each picture. The statements that you will find below each picture are direct quotes from these interviews.

*The interviews were conducted in Kinyarwanda by Micline and recorded, so that she could transcribe and translate them into English afterwards.

**The workers often have a French-sounding name, because French was an official national language next to Kinyarwanda in Rwanda until 2008 (now replaced by English) and hence, many Rwandans have French names. 

LISTEN through their EYES : Stories from Rwandan biowaste workers
  1. What is RUNRES?
  2. Circular economy of organic waste: A pathway for creating decent jobs for youth and women in Rwanda?
  3. Photovoice: A community-based participatory research methodology
  4. Participant observation: Building trust by sharing the work
  5. Felicite Nyirahabineza
  6. Thierry Shyaka
  7. Thierry Shyaka
  8. Protogene Nyandwi
  9. Felicite Nyirahabineza
  10. Ismael Muneza
  11. Yousuf Twagirimana
  12. Julienne Uwase
  13. Felicite Nyirahabineza
  14. Alphonsine Mukamwiza
  15. Julienne Uwase
  16. Alphonsine Mukamwiza
  17. Alphonsine Muhawenimana
  18. Julienne Uwase
  19. Alphonsine Muhawenimana
  20. Thank you for your visit!