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2nd Floor

The HIL-STACKS main collection continues on the second floor – books in the HIL-STACKS main collection, with call numbers E53 through HQ, are located on the second floor.

There are three group study rooms located on the second floor.  As noted earlier, group study rooms are booked online. Being used?

There is a quick access computer (you do not need to login to use it) available in the hallway on the second floor – in case you need to do a quick look up.


The HIL has lockers available for students to rent.  The lockers are located in the stairwell area of the second floor of the HIL.  If you are interested in renting a locker in the HIL, please see Staff at the Commons Service Desk.

Harriet Irving Library
  1. Commons Service Desk
  2. Research Help Desk
  3. UNB (IT) Service Desk
  4. John B. McNair Learning Commons
  5. Reference Collection
  6. Film and Popular Reading Collections
  7. Group Study Rooms
  8. Reading Room (109)
  9. Periodicals (Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers)
  10. HIL Commons Café
  11. 2nd Floor
  12. Before We Get Started...
  13. Basement, including how to get there
  14. Language Board
  15. Scanners Available