Jodie Roth Cooper - Quarter Mile Arch

"Quarter Mile Arch," created in 2017, was inspired by the rock arches of Colorado and Utah. This abstract sculpture made by Jodie Roth Cooper was fabricated at his studio in Denver and dismantled into three sections to be reassembled at the Arvada Center for Arts and Humanities. Born in London in 1980, Jodie has always been drawn to the mountains and landscape of the western states. After spending a great deal of time traveling the west during his 20's while living in Vermont and Michigan, he settled in Colorado permanently in 2013. His work continues to be inspired by nature and landscape. Jodie works in abstract forms and steers away from narrative  driven work, striving to create experience rather than tell stories.

Graceland Cemetery Audio Tour by Exhumus
  1. Graceland Cemetery Entrance
  2. Directions!
  3. Horace P. Dewey
  4. Directions!
  5. Eternal Silence
  6. Directions!
  7. Haunted Prairie
  8. Directions!
  9. Jack Johnson
  10. Columbarium & Chapel
  11. Massive Monuments
  12. Lake Willowmere
  13. Directions!
  14. Bruce Goff
  15. Carter H. Harrison