Right here, before the trail head, we will talk about the three large trees that you can easily identify in most of the ecosystems throughout the park.
Take a look to the right and you will find a Southern Live Oak Tree. You may not recognize our Florida Live Oaks that have much smaller leaves than northern species. The leaves are small as an adaptation to conserve water—Yes in Florida, with one of the largest rainfall amounts in the country, trees must conserve water. Where there is water nearby either a creek or a low spot, stands of Southern Live Oak and other oaks will form shady Hammock ecosystems that provide shelter for wildlife. Oaks prefer not to have their roots wet all of the time.
Now look for Pines off in the distance to the left. These are Slash Pines, the trees that were slashed on the bark in order to obtain resin that is used in turpentine. When you see Pines that is an indication of dryer areas. In combination with the Saw Palmetto you have Pine/Palmetto Flatwoods, the ecosystem covering over half of natural florida.
The third tree you can identify is the Sabal Palm, or Cabbage Palm. This is the Florida State Tree and can survive in just about any habitat, flooded or dry. Sabal Palms form Palm Hammocks in low lying areas that are often flooded.
Near the trail sign you will find some Bracken Fern which will be found in the dryest soil. A few Steps down the trail you will see Swamp Fern which inhabits a slightly more moist environment.
Of course plants cant get up an walk away when there is too much or not enough water so they have to be adaptable.