Other butterflies, besides the Zebra Longwing, have evolved to use the toxins in the Passionflower Vines to their advantage. Gulf Frittilaries (Agraulis vanillae) are common bright orange butterflies with the mirror-shiny spots on the underwings. The orange caterpillar looks spiny but the "spines" are really soft projections. It hangs upside down, as seen in the picture, and sheds its skin to become a pupa which is easily mistaken for a dead leaf.
The Julia (Dryas iulia) is a more rare south Florida inhabitant and has been seen on the Eagle Point Trail. It is orange like the Gulf Fritillary but has more pointed wings and tan underwings. The picture shows a female. You can tell by the dark black bar near the tips of the front wings. Males are a brighter orange and only have diffuse spots on the front wings.