Wheatland insta

Explore LancasterHistory's Campus of History

Follow our free tour to explore the grounds and gardens at LancasterHistory, including President James Buchanan's Wheatland, its outbuildings, and the Tanger Arboretum. No specific audio equipment is required for this tour. You can play it from any internet connected device, such as a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Audio transcriptions provided in stop descriptions. Enjoy the tour!

Learn more about LancasterHistory at https://www.lancasterhistory.org. 

Main audio narrations and tour signage generously provided by Doug O'Brien and Catherine Smith. Additional narrations or voices provided by: Thomas R. Ryan, Ph.D., Patrick Clarke, Robin Sarratt, Tim Mackey, Stephanie Celiberti, and Jeff Hazlett. 

230 North President Avenue, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
Explore LancasterHistory's Campus of History
  1. Stop 1 - Welcome to LancasterHistory!
  2. Stop 2 - The Front (North Façade) of Wheatland
  3. Stop 3 - The Back (South Façade) of Wheatland
  4. Stop 4 - The Outbuildings
  5. Stop 5 - The Tanger Arboretum
  6. Stop 6 - The Beech Grove
  7. Stop 7 - The Dwarf Conifer Garden