Trey Duvall - "Repeat That Again"

Repeat That Again


The thing is a thing, or not a thing                                                                                        

The act is an act, or not an act                                                                                            

The act must either be an act or not an act                                                                                         As the thing must be a thing or not a thing


Number 1. Locate an object that can be inverted without altering its appearance in any way.                Invert this object.


Number 2. Run a battery-operated drill in your hand until the charge is dead.                                                       Consider the purpose of an unpowered object.


Number 3. Alphabetize all items on a shelf then return to their original locations.


Number 4. Sit in a chair and then immediately stand up. Repeat this action several times, consecutively, back to back, in a row.


Number 5. Rotate all lightbulbs in a room one fixture to the right.


Number 6. Remove any object from a bookshelf or retail shelf. Hold this object in your hands.                             Think of nothing else but this object. Hold your attention to this object as long as you can. Experience the act of holding this object in as much detail as possible.                                          Focus on what makes this item the same or different from all other items.                                                      When you begin to question the purpose of this action, return the object to the shelf and forget all about it.


Number 7. Replace your left shoelace with your right shoelace. Lace your right shoe with the remaining shoelace.


Number 8. Touch an object with your entire palm and fingertips while standing an arm’s length away. Think about the smallest possible separation between you and this object.                                                   Hold this position as long as you are able.


Number 9. Rotate an object 90 degrees to the left. Repeat every hour for 8 hours.


Number 10. Locate the nearest computer printer. Access the paper drawer.                                                         Invert the stack of paper by taking the top sheet and placing it face down next to the original stack. Repeat this with the next page, then the next, then the following, and the next, and the next. Continue this action until the end of the original stack. Return the new stack of paper to the printer.

Number 11. Rearrange a group of objects in a way that will have no impact and will likely remain fully unnoticed.


Number 12. Repeat action no. 1 from this list with the same object or a different object.


Number 13. Walk one step in a straight line for each letter of your full name.                                                       Turn 180 degrees and repeat. Turn back 180 degrees. Repeat this action for each year of your age.


Number 14. Rotate a dozen eggs by moving each egg one space to the left.                                                        Return eggs to fridge.


Number 15. Transfer any rope, string, or yarn from the spool to a pile on the floor.                                                Return the rope, string, or yarn to the spool as precisely as possible.


Number 16. Find an area or object that is over 1 & ½ times the height of your body. Ascend and descend this area or object, returning to your starting position. Repeat this action 10 times.


Number 17. Arrange a box of Ping-Pong balls according to size, then return to box.


Number 18. Cover an object in 1” x 1” pieces of masking tape. Once the original object is no longer visible, cover the new surface with the entire tape roll.


Number 19. Wet hands in large container of water, then remove. Remain perfectly still until hands are dry. Repeat this process as long as it interests you.


Number 20. Fill and freeze an ice cube tray. Remove and allow to thaw completely.                                              Carefully return to freezer.


Number 21. Face a chair directly North. Sit. Remain perfectly still while facing North for 30 minutes. Turn the chair due East. Sit perfectly still for 30 minutes facing East.                                               Turn the chair directly South and sit perfectly still for 30 minutes.                                                        Turn the chair directly West. For 30 minutes sit perfectly still facing due West.                                             Return chair to face North.


Number 22. Randomize or disorganize an otherwise organized system or structure.


Number 23. Individually inflate and then deflate an entire bag of colored balloons.                                              Return to packaging.


Number 24. Cover one hand completely using an entire roll of electrical tape. Unwrap this hand by winding the tape on to the unwrapped hand. Unwrap this hand by wrapping tape back on to the original hand. Repeat until exhaustion or tape failure.

Number 25. Identify 10 actions or operations requiring time and energy to perform that ultimately produce no tangible return. Either do, or do not, do these things.

Word Play
  1. Lares Feliciano - "Pa'lante"
  2. Lares Feliciano - "Querer Ser Libre es Empezar a Serlo"
  3. Jeff Page - "39 Facepalms"
  4. Trey Duvall - "Repeat That Again"
  5. Joe Norman - "Faith/Doubt"
  6. Masha Sha - "Homo Homini Lupus"
  7. Tom Mazzullo - "Type Improvisations" series
  8. Paula Gasparini-Santos - "As palavras são poderosas," "As palavras dão direção," and "Palavras criam sentido para a vida"
  9. Jade Hoyer - "20 Ways of Saying No"
  10. Cherish Marquez - "Slot of the Odds"