Monica valls shadow

Out of the Shadows: A Team Holler Joy Production

In this Solstice audio tour, we invite you to slow down, and take a walk through the neighborhood as you listen to these tracks, and immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and sensations you encounter. Sometimes we'll be talking to you. Sometimes there will be music. Each track will let you know when to play the next one. You'll start at the top of Mattfeldt, in front of the last house before Falls Road. Although you may be with others, this little journey is best enjoyed in silence, so put your headphones on, and drop in. We invite you to enter the darkness, and to find the light!

Out of the Shadows: A Team Holler Joy Production
  1. Track 1 Play at the top of Mattfeldt
  2. Track 2: Listen as you stroll down Mattfeldt
  3. Track 3: Listen after track 2
  4. Track 4: Listen after Track 3
  5. Track 5: Listen after Track 4
  6. Track 6: Listen after Track 5
  7. Track 7: Listen as you enter the field
  8. Track 8: Listen at the Tunnel of 2020
  9. Track 9: Listen at the Well
  10. Track 10: Listen at the Web Swing
  11. Track 12: Listen at the Central Fire
  12. Track 13: Listen before you leave the fire
  13. Track 14: Listen as you exit the spiral