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By john salmon  via wikimedia.org

The Templar Church in London

Probably the most complete and esoterically significant building to survive from Medieval England - the epicentre of of events that shape our lives still today, and a great backdrop for exploring the mysteries of the Knights Templar. 

Have a listen to this introduction for practical tips on accessing and using the tour.

Map $ 5.00
The Temple Church, Temple, LONDON, , United Kingdom
The Templar Church in London
  1. Point 1 - the view from Fleet Street
  2. Inner Temple Lane and the Round Church
  3. The Inner Temple Courtyard and Church
  4. Inside the original Round church
  5. The Round - Part 2
  6. The Round and its Roof
  7. From point 7 - Expansion and demise?
  8. Magna Carta and the beginning of the end?
  9. Into "modern times - The Chancel and its apparent dualities
  10. Journeys' end and a missing third
  11. A personal post-script