The South Chancel Wall

Look up at the corbels on the south side of the chancel wall.

The roof over the south choir aisle was re-tiled in 1947 and restored in 1977.

This fine collection of corbels are mostly original. They include the carved figure of a man bowing a rebec, a medieval stringed instrument.

Next there is another blemmya.

On the curved vestry wall are more corbels including one of two heads which could be jesters, a third blemmya and a man apparently using a mobile phone!

Turn and explore the garden area, known as the South Garth.

Romsey Abbey - The Exterior
  1. The North Face of the Building
  2. The Churchyard
  3. The North Wall of the North Transept
  4. The North Chancel Wall
  5. The East Face of the Building
  6. The South Chancel Wall
  7. The South Garth
  8. The Nuns
  9. The Saxon Rood and the Abbess’s Doorway
  10. The Cloisters
  11. The West Face of the Building
  12. A Message from the Vicar, the Revd. Thomas Wharton