Welcome to Charlotte Harbor Environmental Center. My name is Gayle and I will be your guide today. Charlotte Harbor Environmental Center is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) corporation, established in 1987, that provides environmental education, research and conservation lands management services. Visit our website at www.checflorida.org/ for further information about our facilities and programs.
From the parking lot you can see the Information Kiosk to the right of the Administration building. At the Kiosk you can find information about programs we present during the month, recent conditions and sightings on the trails, and a map of the trails. There are trail maps that you can take with you if you wish. If you need to ask a question come right into the Administration Building and someone will help you there.
The Eagle Point Trail is shown in the picture and at the top of the map in the Kiosk. It is about one mile long and is the most diverse in habitat: You will see Hammocks, Palmetto Pine Flatwoods, Black Needlerush Saltmarsh, Mangrove Swamp and Freshwater Pond.
Bathrooms are right behind the kiosk and when you are ready, get on the boardwalk and follow the signs and red arrows that lead you to the Eagle Point Trailhead.