Threads of Time

This design depicts a family bonding across generations through the craft of quilting. Each generation builds on the work of the last, preserving family history as a base for the future. The patterns of this quilt represent memories that community members shared with us in regard to their past, present, and future living in East Austin.

Design by Creative Action’s Color Squad. 

Color Squad is a collective of teen artists who design and implement public and community art.

About the audio:

What do the past, present, and future of Austin look like? At this tour stop, you’ll hear a series of spoken word pieces and interview excerpts from Austin residents reflecting on their memories, their struggles, and their hopes and dreams. And, like a quilt, we’ve patched them together to create something unique and beautiful.Words and ideas by Izi Griffin, Marley Miller, the students of Lee Lewis Campbell Elementary, and the community members of .

Featuring the voices of the Changing Lives Youth Theatre Ensemble (in order of appearance): Marley Miller, Sidney Lipton, Zoe Maxwell, Isaac Schrup, Cleo Steinhauser, Jackie Campuzano, Aspen Wilhelm, Maia Tsang, Arianna Coker, & Izi Griffin. Sound design and mixing by Johann Solo.

Artbox Archives
  1. Memorias
  2. Roots Remembered
  3. Quilted Legacies
  4. Ecosystem
  5. Threads of Time
  6. Roots and Bridges