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Tour of the Rideau Canal From Seeley's Bay to Jones Falls

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134 Mill Street, Seeley's Bay, ON, Canada
Tour of the Rideau Canal From Seeley's Bay to Jones Falls
  1. Rideau Canal Boat Tour - Seeley's Bay to Jones Falls
  2. Departing Seeley's Bay Harbour
  3. Exiting Bay toward Haskins Point
  4. Haskins Point
  5. Haskins Point Looking Toward Cranberry & Broads Bay
  6. Hewitt's Island Heading Toward Whitefish
  7. Continuing Toward Whitefish Lake
  8. Murphy's Narrows
  9. Entering Whitefish
  10. Continuing Through Whitefish To Red Rock
  11. Red Rock to Twin Sisters Islands
  12. Past Chop Rock Into Morton Bay Through The Cut
  13. Morton Bay - Past Rock Dunder Toward Morton Dam
  14. Morton Dam
  15. Cave In Morton Bay
  16. Leaving Morton Bay Through the Cut
  17. End of Tour at Jones Falls
  18. Additional Photos at Jones Falls