18. the unicorn defends himself

ROOM SEVEN: Unicorn Tapestries, 1495-1505 - The Unicorn Defends Himself


Labatt Tour at The Cloisters
  1. Introduction
  2. ROOM ONE: The Romanesque Hall - Lion fresco from Burgos, Castile-León, Spain, after 1200
  3. ROOM ONE: The Romanesque Hall - The Camel, first half of the 12th century
  4. ROOM TWO: The Fuentidueña Chapel - The Temptation of Christ by the Devil, San Baudelio de Berlanga, first half of the 12th century
  5. ROOM TWO: The Fuentidueña Chapel - The Healing of the Blind Man, and The Raising of Lazarus, San Baudelio de Berlanga, first half of the 12th century
  6. ROOM TWO: The Fuentidueña Chapel - The Virgin and Child in Majesty in the Fuentidueña Apse, ca. 1175-1200
  7. ROOM TWO: The Fuentidueña Chapel - Doorway from the Church of San Leonardo al Frigido, ca. 1175
  8. ROOM THREE: Saint-Guilhem Cloister - The Saint-Guilhem Cloister, late 12th- early 13th century
  9. ROOM FOUR: Langon Chapel - Enthroned Madonna and Child, ca. 1130-1140
  10. ROOM FIVE: Cuxa Cloister - Cuxa Cloister, ca. 1130-40
  11. ROOM SIX: Early Gothic Hall - Virgin and Child, ca. 1340-50
  12. ROOM SIX: Early Gothic Hall - Man of Sorrows, ca. 1370
  13. ROOM SIX: Early Gothic Hall - Theodosius Arrives at Ephesus, ca. 1200-1210
  14. ROOM SEVEN: Unicorn Tapestries, 1495-1505 - The Unicorn Purifies the Water
  15. ROOM SEVEN: Unicorn Tapestries, 1495-1505 - The Unicorn is Attacked
  16. ROOM SEVEN: Unicorn Tapestries, 1495-1505 - The Unicorn Defends Himself
  17. ROOM SEVEN: Unicorn Tapestries, 1495-1505 - The Unicorn is Killed and Brought Back to the Castle
  18. ROOM SEVEN: Unicorn Tapestries, 1495-1505 - The Unicorn Rests in the Garden
  19. ROOM EIGHT: Boppard Room - Paschal Candlestick, ca. 1450-1500
  20. ROOM NINE: Merode Altarpiece Room - Prayer Bead with the Adoration of the Magi and Crucifixion, early 16th century
  21. ROOM TEN: Late Gothic Hall - Saint Roch, early 16th century
  22. ROOM TEN: Late Gothic Hall - Palmesel, 15th century
  23. ROOM TEN: Late Gothic Hall - Marble Altarpiece by Andrea da Giona, 1434
  24. ROOM ELEVEN: The Gothic Chapel - Tomb effigy of a Knight of the d’Aluye Family, after 1248- by 1267
  25. ROOM TWELVE: The Glass Gallery - The Bishop Chess Piece, 1150-1200
  26. ROOM TWELVE: The Glass Gallery - Aquamanile in the Form of a Lion, ca. 1400
  27. ROOM THIRTEEN: The Treasury - Casket with Scenes from Romances, ca. 1310-30
  28. ROOM THIRTEEN: The Treasury - Beaker with Apes, ca. 1425-50
  29. ROOM THIRTEEN: The Treasury - The Belles Heures of Jean de France, duc de Berry, 1399-1416
  30. ROOM FOURTEEN: THE GARDENS - The Bonnefont Cloister Herb Garden