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Mother Mary Joseph Rogers

This was the childhood home of  Mother Mary Joseph Rogers (1882- 1955). She was the founder of the Maryknoll Sisters of Saint Dominic. The order was created in 1920. Mother Mary emphasized service to God through service to human beings and making sure the sisters were professionally prepared for their mission.


“I love the expression ‘the understanding of the heart’. It seems to me that understanding is the keynote of true love, just as misunderstanding is fertile soil for hatred.”— MOTHER MARY ROGERS

Jamaica Plain Women's History Tour
  1. Maud Cuney Hare
  2. Mary E. Curley
  3. Mother Mary Joseph Rogers
  4. Medical Pioneers
  5. Pauline Agassiz Shaw
  6. Suffragist Heroes
  7. Jamaica Plain Tuesday Club
  8. Emily Greene Balch
  9. Ellen Swallow Richards
  10. Sylvia Plath
  11. Elizabeth Moloney
  12. Conclusion