The Peabody Garden AKA: "The Old Fashioned Garden"

The Peabody flower garden, or old fashioned garden as it is sometimes called, was the first garden installed at Glen Magna Farms.

The Peabody flower gardens were first designed and planted during the 1814 and 1815 period, while Joseph Peabody was adding the East and West wings onto the existing house.

The gardens were designed by Mr. George Huessler, a well-known garden designer.  

The gardens were enclosed with buckthorn hedges on the eastern and western sides of the garden.

In the center of the gardens there stood a large 97 foot tall tulip tree, surrounded by a 360 degree bench.

Along the paths,  statues were placed to enhance the beauty of the gardens

In the 1890s, Mr. Charles Eliot embellished the beds of the garden along the various walkways with flowering perennials.

To continue on the tour, please head north on the path towards the large white mansion. As you approach the granite steps, turn left onto the path.

Durch das Östliche Hafengebiet
  1. IJhaven
  2. Lloyd Hotel
  3. Wohnblock The Whale
  4. Hochhaus Steltloper
  5. Reihenhäuser auf Sporenburg
  6. Pythonbrücke
  7. Scheepstimmermanstraat 1
  8. Scheepstimmermanstraat 2
  9. Wohnblock Piraeus
  10. Java Eiland
  11. Hotel Jakarta