Outbuildings and Blacksmith Shop

The concrete block structure that you see here is the last remaining outbuilding that was once used for equipment storage and blacksmithing. The Blacksmith Shop would have stood just to the left of this building and was where the blacksmith would make horseshoes for the horses on the property, along with countless other types of hardware and tools. It is currently used as a garage for the park's tractors, ATVs, and other landscaping and automotive equipment. 

To learn where they would make candles, continue around the back of the haybarn and down the road to your right to the tiny red building on the lawn. 

Durch das Östliche Hafengebiet
  1. IJhaven
  2. Lloyd Hotel
  3. Wohnblock The Whale
  4. Hochhaus Steltloper
  5. Reihenhäuser auf Sporenburg
  6. Pythonbrücke
  7. Scheepstimmermanstraat 1
  8. Scheepstimmermanstraat 2
  9. Wohnblock Piraeus
  10. Java Eiland
  11. Hotel Jakarta