The Community Gardens

Formerly part of the Ingersoll Pasture, where livestock would graze, the community gardens were created at the end of World War Two for local families to be able to make use of the open space and fertile soil. Now nearly 100 families cultivate vegetables and flowers in this community garden. For a nominal fee and on a first come first serve basis, members of the community can lease one of over two hundred, 30 by 30 foot plots. The gardeners have access to water from an artesian well and use their gardens from April through October each year.

Head past the chain gate, down the gravel roadway behind you to see a crop near and dear to the Endicott family, and to the park today.

Durch das Östliche Hafengebiet
  1. IJhaven
  2. Lloyd Hotel
  3. Wohnblock The Whale
  4. Hochhaus Steltloper
  5. Reihenhäuser auf Sporenburg
  6. Pythonbrücke
  7. Scheepstimmermanstraat 1
  8. Scheepstimmermanstraat 2
  9. Wohnblock Piraeus
  10. Java Eiland
  11. Hotel Jakarta