Welcome to our audiotour along Kalverstraat and Heiligeweg!
We take you on a tour along two of the oldest streets in Amsterdam. Look up, admire the architecture, listen to our stories and form an opinion on the past and present of this characteristic part of Amsterdam.
Let’s go!
Image 1: Kalverstraat, 2021 (architour)
Image 2: Map, Kalverstraat and Heiligeweg, 1544 (Cornelis Anthonisz.)
Image 3: Façade stone Heilige Stede, 2021 (architour)
Image 4: Print, Kalverstraat, hoek Singel, ca. 1878 (Frederik Muller)
Image 5: Drawing, Heiligeweg in 1774 (H.P. Schouten)
Text: Paul Vlok and Anneke Bokern