E moloney

Elizabeth Moloney

Elizabeth Moloney (1873-1950) was appointed as the first Supervisor of Mother’s Aid for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, a position she held until her retirement in 1943. This program is called Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) today. She was active in the woman suffrage movement and a charter member of the League of Women Voters.

Her home was at 49 Prince Street

Jamaica Plain Women's History Tour
  1. Maud Cuney Hare
  2. Mary E. Curley
  3. Mother Mary Joseph Rogers
  4. Medical Pioneers
  5. Pauline Agassiz Shaw
  6. Suffragist Heroes
  7. Jamaica Plain Tuesday Club
  8. Emily Greene Balch
  9. Ellen Swallow Richards
  10. Sylvia Plath
  11. Elizabeth Moloney
  12. Conclusion